
my first born


my little monster

Monday, January 24, 2011

Where did the time go...

When I was pregnant with my second child, I asked myself on several occasions "How am I going to love someone as much as I love Summer?". I could not wrap my head around the idea that my heart was big enough for not only one daughter, but two. I felt that to love another as much as I loved Summer would be impossible. Yet, once I laid eyes on Skye, I knew how it worked. My heart just doubled to make space for my new angel. I'm so blessed, not only because God gave me the gift of children, but that he gave me two smart, beautiful, awesome kids. I love them. Their personalities, their bad habits. The love a mother has for her children is unlike any other. Skye turned 4 years old yesterday. I cannot believe my baby girl is actually 4! That sounds so much older than 3. I'm so happy that both of my children are happy. It is evident in everything that they do. They way they walk, their confidence, the way they talk, their smile, the way they're opinionated, their frowns. I love them completely, irrevocably.

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